By: DOMINIC KIDZU Whilst I am not a diviner that fore-tells the future and cannot pronounce upon people’s destinies, it is easy to wagger that it may be nunc dimitis for Ben Ayade, who came to Cross River State, saw, pillaged, danced, but did not conquer. His arch nemesis, […]
Dominic Kidzu.
By: Dominic Kidzu. In Africa all ideologies, puritanical claims and presences to high education/class collapse in the face of tribe and religion. Which is why someone once opined that morality is sociological and regional in Nigeria. If a thief or drug lord is a member of my tribe or […]
BY DOMINIC KIDZU. Muhammadu Buhari may yet end his Presidency like Emperor Nero, who Tacidus records as playing the fiddle while Rome burned for six days. Emperor Nero was decadent and widely unpopular, so is Buhari, except in the most illiterate quarters of Northern Nigeria. While Emperor Nero spent his […]
BY DOMINIC KIDZU. Now here is a spectacular product of a unique phenomenon, mostly grown in third – world African countries. By the way, aren’t African countries almost all third world, with failing economies, tattered political fabrics, bloated nouveau riche – without agricultural or industrial production, atomistic ethnic […]