By: #AngelaOgeyiOdey Media.
Our attention has been drawn to the scandalous and unverified publication made by some elements who approached, with the intent of smearing the good image of CR-SEMA, claiming that distribution of items under the Special National Economic Livelihood Emergency Intervention (SNELEI) was marred with irregularities and at the same time attributing the purported irregularities to Cross River State Emergency Management Agency (CR-SEMA).
We would not have given attention to such pettiness and scandal, but to set the record straight and disabuse the minds of the gullible readers of such lies, this rejoinder becomes pertinent.
It should be noted that officials of the National Emergency Management Agency (NEMA) have been on the ground for the purpose of the said distribution which has been going on seamlessly.
The same officials carried out the enumeration exercise through which they captured beneficiaries since last year; they were in charge of the verification and distribution exercises themselves.
The Cross River State Emergency Management Agency only supervised the exercise to ensure it went without any hitches. We neither did the verification nor distribution.
We know those behind this dastardly act as we resisted their attempts to collect items with recycled slips. We have reported them to relevant law enforcement agencies and admonished them to desist from this dubious act or face the music. We want to state clearly that if any illegality occurs on CR-SEMA premises, they will be held responsible.
We therefore wish to use this medium to inform the public to discountenance the gibberish from the pit of hell that, items meant for victims of flood were diverted to government officials and some individuals.
This is a lie and such a lie is coming from some greedy elements who, in their attempt to invade the collection point with fake slips, proved abortive as we vehemently resisted them.
We unequivocally reiterate the fact that the publication from naysayers, circulating on social media, alleging irregularities in the process of distributing SNELEI items in Cross River State was from the figment of their imagination and did not reflect the realities of the distribution exercise.
Our mandate is to ensure that the right people get what belongs to them and we are doing everything within our power to ensure we protect the interest of the most vulnerable population and flood victims who were captured last year.
Chief Mrs Angela Ogeyi Odey